8 Months Pregnant

8 Months Pregnant

Baby Names
That’s a win for both you and your baby! Speak to your healthcare provider about how exactly to do Kegels. These pelvic floor exercises involve squeezing and relaxing the muscles in the pelvic and genital areas. 
Comfort Measures and Pain Relief During Labor

Comfort Measures and Pain Relief During Labor

Preparing for Childbirth
For some lucky women, labor is quite manageable. For others, it can be very uncomfortable and even painful — but it doesn't have to be. There are m...
All About Inducing Labor

All About Inducing Labor

Preparing for Childbirth
As your due date approaches, you may be curious about the process of labor induction, especially if you're eager to be done with pregnancy. You may...
Episiotomy: Definition, Care, and Healing

Episiotomy: Definition, Care, and Healing

Preparing for Childbirth
An episiotomy is a surgical cut made at the perineum during childbirth to widen the vaginal opening quickly. Episiotomies are usually only performe...
What Is a Doula and Should You Hire One

What Is a Doula and Should You Hire One

Preparing for Childbirth
These studies make some great claims, but a doula is not for everyone. If you're on the fence about hiring a doula, keep in mind that having one is...
Epidural During Labor: How Does It Work?

Epidural During Labor: How Does It Work?

Preparing for Childbirth
As you count down to the big day when you get to meet your baby, you may be thinking about your pain relief options for labor. One common method yo...
Effacement: A Sign That Labor Has Begun

Effacement: A Sign That Labor Has Begun

Preparing for Childbirth
While you're mentally and emotionally preparing for labor, your body is also getting ready. For example, you might have experienced Braxton Hicks p...
FAQ: Cesarean Section

FAQ: Cesarean Section

Preparing for Childbirth
Even if you had hoped for a vaginal birth, sometimes a cesarean section is required to ensure the health of you and your baby. Given that it's a ma...
FAQ: Vaginal Birth

FAQ: Vaginal Birth

Preparing for Childbirth
Labor and delivery are experiences that inspire lots of questions from moms-to-be, who might feel both nervous and excited about what lies ahead. A...
Understanding Natural Birth and How to Prepare for It

Understanding Natural Birth and How to Prepare for It

Preparing for Childbirth
Natural childbirth is typically described as labor and delivery with little or no medical intervention. If the natural delivery of your little one ...
VBAC: All About Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean Delivery

VBAC: All About Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean Delivery

Preparing for Childbirth
You might think that if you’ve previously had a cesarean section that you cannot give birth vaginally. This is not necessarily the case. The vagina...
What Is the Apgar Score and What Do the Test Results Mean?

What Is the Apgar Score and What Do the Test Results Mean?

Preparing for Childbirth
The moment your baby is born, she will be in great hands, and her care team will be busy. During the first few minutes of your little one’s life, s...

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