Bleeding Nipples While Breastfeeding Newborn

Bleeding Nipples While Breastfeeding Newborn

Question: Is it common for nipples to bleed when you start breastfeeding? Is there anything I can do to limit the pain and bleeding? Should I stop ...
How quickly does caffeine affect breast milk?

How quickly does caffeine affect breast milk?

Question: I am nursing my 5-month-old baby. I want to know how much caffeine is safe to drink and how soon after I drink a Pepsi or other caffeinat...
What Causes Mastitis & How Do You Treat It?

What Causes Mastitis & How Do You Treat It?

Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue that often leads to an infection and may cause tenderness and pain. Having mastitis can be very frustr...
Everything You Need to Know About Cluster Feeding and Your Newborn

Everything You Need to Know About Cluster Feeding and Your Newborn

If you’re breastfeeding, you might find that your little one sometimes keeps you busier than usual from time to time. Occasional sudden increases i...
How to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply

How to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply

If you’ve just started out breastfeeding, you may be concerned that your baby is not getting enough nourishment. You may also be wondering if there...
Learn How to Burp Your Baby: How Often, Tips and Positions

Learn How to Burp Your Baby: How Often, Tips and Positions

A key part of your baby's feeding routine is burping him. Your baby may swallow lots of air while feeding, and burping can help remove some of that...
When Can You Introduce Rice Cereal to Your Baby

When Can You Introduce Rice Cereal to Your Baby

Adding solid foods to your baby’s diet is a big milestone, and you may be wondering when to begin the process and what foods to start with. In the ...
How to Store Breast Milk: All About Proper Storage

How to Store Breast Milk: All About Proper Storage

If you’re breastfeeding, there are many reasons you might want to store your breast milk. For example, you might want to pump or express while you’...

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