Taking Care of Your Newborn’s Umbilical Cord

Taking Care of Your Newborn’s Umbilical Cord

Umbilical Cord Care
As the parent of a newborn, you’ll want to know about umbilical cord care, including how to keep your baby’s umbilical cord stump dry until it fall...
Taking Care of Your Newborn’s Umbilical Cord

Taking Care of Your Newborn’s Umbilical Cord

Umbilical Cord Care
As the parent of a newborn, you’ll want to know about umbilical cord care, including how to keep your baby’s umbilical cord stump dry until it fall...
Baby Skin Care

Baby Skin Care

Skin Care
Is anything more perfect than your baby's skin? You can't help but touch and caress it. Go right ahead! Your baby loves this as much as you do. Pro...
Cradle Cap in Babies

Cradle Cap in Babies

Skin Care
Are you noticing scales or flakes of skin on your baby’s scalp (or elsewhere on her body)? This may be infantile seborrheic dermatitis, better know...
What Is a Birthmark and What Types Are There?

What Is a Birthmark and What Types Are There?

Skin Care
When you meet your newborn baby for the first time, it’s definitely hard to take your eyes off her. But after you’ve counted her 10 fingers and 10 ...
Diaper Rash: Symptoms and Treatment

Diaper Rash: Symptoms and Treatment

Skin Care
Most babies will have diaper rash at least once, even with superabsorbent diaper technology and frequent diaper changes. In most cases, mild diaper...
FAQ: What Is Baby Acne?

FAQ: What Is Baby Acne?

Skin Care
Your beautiful newborn has made her spectacular entrance into the world, but a few weeks later you notice pimple-like spots on her face. It's likel...
How to Prevent and Treat Sunburn in Babies and Children

How to Prevent and Treat Sunburn in Babies and Children

Skin Care
Spending time outside is fun for babies and young children, but it’s important to protect their delicate skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays whenev...
Common Rashes in Newborn Babies

Common Rashes in Newborn Babies

Skin Care
From time to time, you may see a rash forming on your baby’s delicate skin. Find out what some of the most common rashes are in newborns and babies...
Newborn Sponge Bath

Newborn Sponge Bath

Your newborn baby may not be playing in the yard just yet, but he still needs an occasional bath. Grab a sponge or washcloth for an easy way to kee...
How to Bathe Your Newborn

How to Bathe Your Newborn

Your baby’s first bath is not only one of the earliest milestones but also a moment to treasure. Although bathing a slippery, squirming, and someti...
3 Diaper Bag Checklists You Can't Live Without

3 Diaper Bag Checklists You Can't Live Without

As a new parent, you want to be prepared for anything and everything when you head out the door with your baby for that doctor's checkup or the tri...
Meconium: Your Baby’s First Stool

Meconium: Your Baby’s First Stool

What Is Meconium Made Of? You may be wondering why your newborn even needs to poop at this point, given that he's hardly had a meal yet. Well, from...
Baby Poop — The Ultimate Guide

Baby Poop — The Ultimate Guide

Baby poop is probably something you were expecting to deal with as a parent, but did anyone tell you how varied the contents of your little one's d...

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