Separation Anxiety in Babies

Separation Anxiety in Babies

There might come a time when your baby starts to behave a little differently. She might be a bit clingier, become fearful of people, or cry when sh...
4-Month-Old Baby: Putting Some Personality on Display

4-Month-Old Baby: Putting Some Personality on Display

Your 4-month-old baby is more alert, active, and engaging than ever. Enjoy this time as you find out more about his unique personality, and watch h...
Surprise, Surprise! Babies Understand More Than We Think

Surprise, Surprise! Babies Understand More Than We Think

Speech and language can be a very tricky part of a child’s development and something that my family has been struggling with for many years. I’ve a...
True Grit: How Babies Learn to Be Persistent

True Grit: How Babies Learn to Be Persistent

Remember the first time you heard "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again"? Chances are you figured out that this was a useful piece of advi...
7-Month-Old Baby: Your Baby Is a Copycat

7-Month-Old Baby: Your Baby Is a Copycat

There’s nothing quite like watching your baby take on new challenges, from trying to stand and then walk, to attempting to say his first real words...
10-Month-Old-Baby: Upward and Onward

10-Month-Old-Baby: Upward and Onward

There’s nothing quite like watching your baby take on new challenges, from trying to stand and then walk, to attempting to say his first real words...
6-Month-Old Baby: Get Ready for That Toothy Grin!

6-Month-Old Baby: Get Ready for That Toothy Grin!

Congratulations! Your little one is half a year old. You and your baby can expect quite the adventure this month as he may learn to stay sitting up...
9-Month-Old Baby: Life’s a Party With Finger Food!

9-Month-Old Baby: Life’s a Party With Finger Food!

Your baby is getting more and more mobile, perhaps even crawling by now — and you couldn’t be more proud of the progress she is making. There are s...
5-Month-Old Baby: Twice the Size, Double the Fun

5-Month-Old Baby: Twice the Size, Double the Fun

The months have flown by and your baby has been growing like crazy — she may be double the size she was at birth. It’s not just her little body tha...
8-Month-Old Baby: Big Moves Ahead

8-Month-Old Baby: Big Moves Ahead

Now that your baby has turned 8 months old, you may be finding that he's more curious and active than ever before. His muscles are getting stronger...
How to Encourage Independence From a Young Age

How to Encourage Independence From a Young Age

Apple pies, delicious barbecue, and fireworks on a warm summer night—these are the first things that come to mind when we think about the Fourth of...
How Positive and Proactive Discipline Can Help Change Your Child’s Behavior

How Positive and Proactive Discipline Can Help Change Your Child’s Behavior

Resolving behavior issues we have with our little ones can be challenging, but with four major tools, we can help settle those outbursts. The first...

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